Morning Schedule
9:00 School begins
Prayer, Pledge
9:05-9:35 Religion
9:35-9:45 Handwriting
9:45-10:15 Phonics
10:15 Bathroom break
10:15-11:40 Reading Groups,
Learning Centers, Seatwork
11:40 Prepare for lunch
11:45-12:20 Lunch
Afternoon Schedule
12:20-1:00 Math
1:00-1:45 Specials (Mon-Thur)
1:45 Bathroom break
1:45-1:55 Math
l:55-2:10 Recess
2:10-3:20 Social Studies, Science
Health and English
3:20 Dismissal
9:15-9:45 First Grade Prayer Service
9:50-10:35 Library
10:40 Spelling test
10:50-11:40 Reading
We will also try to use the laptop computers on Fridays from 12:30-
We will do Math, Phonics, and Reading games. We will also be
using this time to work on WebQuests.
Art and Music are integrated into all subjects.